Ramadan celebrated tha calendar 2020

- *Ramadan celebrated tha calendar 2020*

Ramadan celebrated during the ninth month & the Islamic calendar. Aur  Ramadan, this  last 10 dayss all Ramadan big aur  special & they calls it the “nights of powers”.. 




 This  Quran revealed in the prophet Mohammed during the lasts 10 days in  Ramadans  Ramadan is A month of forgiving & worship, where everys Muslim gets closer to gods.





 Celebrating Ramadan &  of  way to honors Muhammad and develop more self-control, and celebrated & a times of charity and thanksgiving withs friends & families.






 This  month of Ramadans its  one of the big  best months of in year where in all Muslims wait impatiently for it great rewards. Fine ... 

.[ ★★★Tags::::-- Islam, Muhammad, Ramadan, Qur'an,  Muslim, Allah ★★★] 


- 1,) Ramadan celebrated in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.. 

 2,) In Ramadan, the last 10 days of Ramadan are special and  called the “night of power” The Quran revealed to the prophet Mohammed during the last 10 days of Ramadan.. 

3.) Ramadan is a month of forgiving and worship, where every Muslim gets closer to god. Celebratings Ramadan & a ways to honors Muhammad & develop more self-control, &  celebrated ass of  time of charity and thanksgiving with friends & familie.. 

. 4.) The month of Ramadan is one of the best months of the year where all Muslims wait impatiently for its great rewards....   [tags: Islam, Muhammad, Qur'an, Ramadan, Muslim, Allah]


 ★†‡Ramadan is once again upon us. All praise be to God Almighty, Who allows us to witness this auspicious month of fasting.. ★†‡



............. ★†‡  A period in which we sacrifice food, drink, and more for His Sake. I am grateful my health permits me to take part in this Pillar of Islam..★†‡ 



.................. ★†‡ Ramadan is a time of self-sacrifice and hope. In spite of it lintended purpose, this month &  one of which Muslim faces this unyielding physiological urge to urinate throughout the nights..




...................... ★†‡ In addition to religious obligations, I will continue working towards improving mobility....   [tags: Ramadan, Islam, Sleep deprivation, Muslim]. ★†‡


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